Matériel Dentaire

Instruments rotatifs

Fraise Dentaire

Détartrage Dentaire

Lampe à photopolymériser

Marathon Micro moteur

Endodontie et Implantologie

Unit Dentaire

Caméra intra orale

Désinfection et Stérilisation

Laboratoire Dentaire

Blanchiment Dentaire

Eclairage Dentaire

Nettoyeur ultrasons

Radiologie dentaire

Équipement médical

Instrumentation dentaire

Modèle anatomique

Meuble cabinet dentaire


Simulation dentaire

CAO/FAO dentaire

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2013-02-20 00:00:00

I have spent much time to find a suitable wax heater, this one is exactly what I want, very nice.

2013-02-16 00:00:00

My friend recommended me this website for dental unit, I got the packge with 6 dayss, everything is OK and the quality is very good till now. Thanks virgodental team.

2013-02-15 00:00:00

I got my parcel today, nice package and everything comes well. I would like to thank the customer service, cause they informed me timely when the DHL failed deliver the parcel due to I am out of home. Again, thanks and will order again in near future.